Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course!

    2. What am I going to teach you

    1. Introduction

    2. What is freelancing

    3. Why Freelancing

    4. How to win your Client’s trust

    5. Identification of Real and Fake Projects.

    6. Low Priced Vs High Price Projects

    7. How to build Communication Skills in Freelancing

    8. How to solve Pricing Problem

    9. Problems that freelancer is Facing

    10. Freelance MarketPlaces

    1. Top Freelance Skills 2022

    2. As a freelancer Speed Of Response

    3. Marketplace

    4. Account Creation

    5. Bid On Right Project

    6. Marketplace

    7. PeoplePerHour Marketplace

    8. UpWork Marketplace

    9. How to Find Right Projects On Upwork

    10. Fiverr MarketPlace

    1. How to Create Fiverr Account

    2. How to Create Gig on Fiverr

    3. Importance of Profile Details and Keywords in Fiverr

    4. Introducing yourself, Your Experience and Skills

    5. Importance of Portfolio

    6. Importance of On time Delivery

    7. Importance of Clients Feedback

    8. Encouraging interview time setup

    9. How to Write good and Effective UpWork Proposal

    1. What gets your Profile banned

    2. How to get your Profile Unbanned

    3. Marketplace Policies

    4. Payment Method Upwork and

    5. Payment Withdrawl Through Bank or Other Sources

    6. Freelancing Outsourcing. What is Outsourcing

    7. How to promote Your Freelance Profile through Social Media

    8. Promotion through Facebook and Linkedn

    9. Importance of creating your Website _ PDF Profile

    10. Motivation and Future of Freelancing

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 42 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today