Course curriculum

    1. A message from the instructor - Fawad Bacha

    2. How To Use This Course

    1. Introduction To Physical Security

    2. Alarm and Sensor System

    3. Front Desk Tailgating - Mantrap - Turnstiles

    4. Contraband Check

    5. Human or Dog Guard

    6. Dumpster Diving

    7. Video Surveillance System DVR - NVR - CCT

    8. Lightning Security

    1. Fences, Gates and Bollards

    2. Types of Locks

    3. Types of Smart Cards

    4. Facilities Selection and Construction Check Up

    5. Data Center

    6. Electricity Part A

    7. Electricity Part B

    8. Fire Part A

    9. Fire Part B

    1. Cybersecurity Framework & Architecture - Physical Security

    2. Cybersecurity Begins with Strong Physical Security

    3. What is Physical Presentation

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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